Saturday, August 6, 2022

Last Preparations

Lots of things have happened since the last post.

I said goodbye to my car of five years. Papa P's cousin is going to buy it from us. This was a drama in itself. We couldn't find the title, even though we paid it off in 2019. We got it figured out, though.

Dragons were spotted at our storage unit! They're here to protect andvserve for the next 2+ years.

I had several coworkers come by to say goodbye in the last week. It was nice to see them, but I should have taken pictures with them! I also sent them home with food and paper goods we weren't going to use. 

Our last dinner in our Texas home.

Some of the stuff I

The boys eating on our last day at home. 

We had lots of food and other items we weren't going to use, so I found a food pantry to donate to.

We spent our last night in Texas in a hotel so we could just get a shuttle to the airport. More on that later. 

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