Sunday, July 31, 2022

Goodbye for now, Kitty Boys!

Tomorrow we are being officially packed up for our air and sea shipments, so we took Ralph and Diamond to their new home for the next couple of months. Thanks, friend, for being willing to take them for us!

We forgot some things,  including the litter boxes. So we went back home and came back with them. Diamond was still in the carrier.

Ralph was having a hissy fit, literally hissing. He was NOT happy with us. 

Hopefully the kitty boys will adjust soon. C,  our sentimental child, seemed fine (we are planning to move them to be with us), but at dinner he was looking really sad and started to cry when we asked him what was wrong. Change is hard, for everyone. I keep wanting to call the cats (not that they would come, but I do it anyway), and I thought I saw Diamond for a second in the office, where he liked to spend time while Papa P is working. It should all be worth it in the end, though. 

1 comment:

  1. This makes me ugly cry. I feel bad for all of you. When do they reunite with you?


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