Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Japanese Lessons Progress

I have been doing 4-6 hours a week of Japanese lessons since May 9. I feel like I have had a good refresher on many things, plus added new things as well. This time around is different in that I am doing the lessons one on one and it is geared specifically towards my life and goals of using the language in Japan. 

Practicing verbs conjugations. 

This is writing about my daily schedule. I have a lot of mistakes in the second paragraph. My sensei said I must have been tired. I did work on it at night. 🀷🏽‍♀️

With regards to writing practice, I feel like one of my elementary school students since I am writing about such basic things. You have got to start somewhere,  though. 

A lot of what my sensei has had me focus on are things that I will need in daily life, such as asking what something means in English, asking how to say something in Japanese,  asking for directions, finding things in stores, what to say at a beauty salon, etc. My short hair will need to be cut to stay short! πŸ€ͺ


I just discovered that my Japanese keyboard has cute little faces on it when I typed in arigato (thank you) so fun! 


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