Sunday, June 19, 2022

Good Bye Princess Peach and Princess Daisy 😥

We can't take our pet rats, Princess Peach and Princess Daisy with us to Japan, so Papa P found them a new home through his network at work. We're grateful they found a home. They have two new sister rats, a bearded dragon sibling, and a dog sibling. 

Our sentimental child, C, took it really hard. ❤️ 

Loading it all up in the truck for the trip to their new home.

Highlights from their time with us:

In my pj pocket.

In a box and on G's head.
Cuddly sisters!

In their tube.
A couple of my real life villagers (I'm wearing an Animal Crossing t-shirt and the animal characters are "my villagers" if they live on my island. 
Cookie time!
In G's pocket.
More tube time!
Super cute!
Carrot in Papa P's pocket.
Who couldn't love that face?!
Getting a ride!
Little hammock I made them. 
Tissue box "fort."
They love avocado! 
Still cuddly...
Last family photo with all the animals. 😥

I recently started doing photo shoots. I should have started it a long time ago!

Princess Peach playing pool.

Tea for two!

Yummy summer!

One of these things is not like the other!

My crochet assistant!

Playing my favorite game, Animal Crossing!

Peaches for Peach!

Last treat with me. 😥

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