Sunday, September 18, 2022

Inuyama Castle

I had the opportunity to go on a day trip with International school parents to Inuyama, about an hour away.  

The name of the castle.

The owner of the castle.

Just outside the castle was Haritsuna Shrine. So instead of going up the path that goes directly to the castle, we walked through the shrine. 

On our way again to the castle. 
This was just outside the castle. 
We had to take off our shoes and climb steep stairs. 

A look down a different set of stairs. 

View from the top of the castle. We walked around the entire balcony at the top. 

The owners of the castle. 
The last owner on the end. He sold the castle to the city. 
We exited the grounds through another part of the shrine. 

We visited a garden next. 
Entering tea gardens everyone had to bow, in other words everyone was equal and made humble. 

The leaves were starting to turn. 
Our tour guide showed us how to purify ourselves before entering the tea house. Wash on hand, then the other, then your mouth. 
We went inside for tea. We ate a chestnut seasonal treat, made of just chestnut and sugar. There was also green tea, but I don't drink it. 

The tea bowls were seasonal designs, made by a local artist. 
The one I had had a pattern like a top. The artist's stamp is seen here as well. 
Things change with the season. This is a seasonal flower...
...and a seasonal scroll. 

This is the 400 year old tea house rhat is a national treasure. 

We went nearby for lunch. There were lots of shops, restaurants, and even homes all together. 
After lunch we went to a small museum that showcased the floats for their festival in April. Traditionally you would only be able to see them during the festival. 

We checked out the rest of the museum as well. 
View from the second floor.

A miniature of the route rhat the patade takes. It even moved and played the traditional music!

This building had a special roof. It's the same kind of roof that the emperor had. 

It was wonderful and full day!

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