Sunday, April 24, 2022


Papa P worked hard to get our visa applications submitted. With the application, you have to submit a picture taken within the last three months. The picture specifications they have are very specific. The picture itself must be 3 x 4 cm. The head must be 15 cm. We set up a white background outside and everyone took their pictures. Papa P resized them to fit the specifications. Everything is now submitted. Hopefully we'll hear from them in a couple of weeks. We may need to drive more than four hours away to the nearest Japanese Embassy to finish the process. 

If things get processed quickly enough, we may get to do a housing trip. Otherwise we may have to do house hunting virtually! That would be no bueno!

I have submitted my letter of resignation to my work. It's bittersweet, since I have loved the people I have been fortunate enough to work with this school year, both the teachers and students. I have seen some amazing growth in several students, which has been so exciting! There are only four weeks left in the school year, which is a crazy thought! 

A couple of weeks ago both of the boys' passports came in the mail! Worst case scenario we were told that they wouldn't come until June. Things are starting to get real! 😌 

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